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- Gracie 2004/09/09 15:01:31 USA
- If Mexico gets 3 shows, Japan should get some too. Although I miss you, boys, I wish you would come back to San Diego. Curiosa was a lot of fun.
- CTC 2004/09/08 22:33:48 Japan
- This message might include Japanese character(s).
- の〜り 2004/09/08 00:24:24 Japan
- This message might include Japanese character(s).
20年も来ていないなんて、あんまりだと思い ます。どうか、来日してください。お願いし ます。
- よっし 2004/09/08 00:22:57 Japan
- This message might include Japanese character(s).
- pez 2004/09/07 21:43:03 usa
- give it to them's only the right thing to do.! everyone deserves to see the cure for themselves at least once..
- Dav 2004/09/07 19:11:04 Australia
- petition.html
- Moloch 2004/09/07 19:00:59 Italy
- Come on guys, they deserve it. Go back there after 20 years of nothing !
- たまゆら 2004/09/07 17:01:37 Japan
- This message might include Japanese character(s).
彼らの存在を知ったのは中3の時。これだけ の時間を経てもずっと聴き続けているの は、私にとってはThe Cureが唯一のバンド です。前回の来日公演はどうしても都合が つかず、残念ながら行けませんでした。ぜ ひ一度ライブを見てみたい! 関係者の皆 様、どうかよろしくお願いします。
- maxalember 2004/09/07 14:58:17 USA
- I just saw The Cure in Atlanta, and it's the best show I've seen in my entire life!! Japanese fans deserve to see such a magnificent show!! Bring The Cure to Japan!
- loudestsound 2004/09/07 13:10:46 Australia
- You should tour japan... Its been how long? Although I live in Australia its only a 9hr flight. It would most definately be worth the flight & I'd be killing 2 birds with 1 stone. Seeing The Cure & coming back to Japan
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