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- oh_fuchsia 2003/10/10 09:33:28 usa
- everone should get to see the cure. the best band in the world.
- ghjui 2003/10/10 06:36:11
- S. 2003/10/09 18:41:01 Japan
- This message might include Japanese character(s).
- GHOST 2003/10/09 14:45:06 FRANCE
- Please, so please, Japan need a cure, a cure with concert!!! so help Japanese fan to obtain their dreams and their dreams come true....
- adam 2003/10/09 10:38:43 Australia
- i can't begin to imagine how frustrated japanese cure fans must be. this is ridiculously unfair. my fingers, toes and other body parts are crossed for you.
- Skwege 2003/10/09 08:23:27 United States
- onigasimas
- miko 2003/10/09 02:21:02 Japan
- This message might include Japanese character(s).
- ススム 2003/10/08 19:49:57 Japan
- いちふぁん 2003/10/07 18:03:23 Japan
- This message might include Japanese character(s).
- U10 2003/10/07 15:02:08 Japan
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