第2回までに、2217 件の署名が集まりました。 ご協力ありがとうございました。
第2回: 917件
第1回: 855件
署名用紙: 445件
- twitch1979さん 2004/07/15 21:56:30
- Please go to Japan becasue Im looking for a really good reason to take my anual leave and something apeals about seing the cure in Japan instead of treaking around europe to see them as usual!
- gaberさん 2004/07/15 21:43:11 Hungary
- Cherish them forever!I wish them to give a concert in Japan
- dontreallyhaveoneさん 2004/07/15 14:36:01 Australia
- You guys have to come to Japan, if you dont make it to Australia atleast Japan is close enough to home, its only a 12hr flight from here. C'mon Cure I know you want to :)
- odiumjohnさん 2004/07/15 11:51:01 USA
- waterfallさん 2004/07/14 23:47:11 Japan
- 生で見てみたいデス。はい。
- momo♪さん 2004/07/14 21:11:11 Japan
- 初めてcureを聴いてから早16年。今まで 数えきれないほど来日アーティストの公演 に行きましたがやはりあたしはcureをこの 目で見るまで死ねません(笑)是非とも来日 公演を実現させてください!お願いします!!
- カツノリさん 2004/07/14 18:32:15 Japan
- 新譜がよかった! ぜひ来日もして欲しい。
- Can U embrace cultural diversity?さん 2004/07/14 16:15:13 Japan
- Come over. “You promised me.” Re: ‘92 MelodyMaker interview: Japanese cure fans aren’t xenophobic, the bastards on frivolous Japanese TV programs are. We’re pongy? Some blokes in England are REALLY smelly but I still like’em. We smell of fish, some of you smell of meat. Yes, one sick Japanese guy ate a woman and how he was released and got media attention was crazy. It is a sick society AS WITH MANY OTHER COUNTRIES. Fans don’t eat people (except for an occasional man-inside-my-mouth). Cure fans don’t sell sweet potatoes on the street at 5AM. We don’t own pachinko hous
- Agnesさん 2004/07/14 02:58:57 Poland
- I've seen The Cure in Katowice (1996) and in Lodz (2000), it was a great show.
- jointさん 2004/07/14 02:49:41 Poland
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