Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
855 signatures had been collected at the last time

Thank you for your support!

がんばって   2003/07/01 15:08:38   Japan
Marc   2003/07/01 01:35:03   JAPAN
I'm french living in Tokyo. I saw your last tours in France and don't wanna miss your next one. Please give Japanese a chance to be with you some unforgetable hours. 

やまぱぱ   2003/07/01 00:35:13   Japan
NEWWAVER   2003/06/30 21:54:27   Japan
volleyboleano   2003/06/29 08:31:27   Argentina
I want the cure to start a new tour all over the world. i'm an argentine fan of 17 years and i want them here, in my country, argentina, because when they came here i was 2 years old....!! please, start a new tour in japan and finish it in argentina!!!! please!!! 

80's チルドレン   2003/06/28 23:20:15   Japan
This message might be included Japanese character(s).
キュアーさえ観られれば、僕の80年代が完 結します。 

LOVE☆CATS   2003/06/27 16:53:14   Japan
This message might be included Japanese character(s).

ゆきりんこ   2003/06/27 13:48:04   Japan
This message might be included Japanese character(s).

Take   2003/06/26 19:05:01   Japan
I like "Wish" 

curelistener   2003/06/25 15:19:15   USA
I love The Cure.. They're my favorite band.. I just wish that i've known about them sooner.. I went to their show in 96 at San Jose and 2001 in Irvine.. THE CURE KICKS!!! 

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   Wish The Cure to come to Japan...
| Contacts | - Since 18th November 2002 |