Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
855 signatures had been collected at the last time

Thank you for your support!

ケンタ   2003/09/09 18:29:20   Japan
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Inbetween days が好きです 

ひろき   2003/09/08 11:51:11   Japan
まゆ   2003/09/07 23:40:14   Japan
アマノ   2003/09/06 22:53:12   Japan
zazi   2003/09/05 11:42:55   Japan
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若かりし頃、ロンドンのライブハウスで観て 以来...... ......今でも時々急に聴きたくなって夜中に 突然CDかけ捲ったり、DVD観たり.... お願いですぅ 日本に来てくださぁい 

Charlotte Sometimes   2003/09/05 04:06:52   Spain
The Cure are the best music group in the world, so they must spread their wonderful music all over the universe! This includes Japan, of course! 

NAP79   2003/09/04 15:50:13   Japan
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みり   2003/09/04 15:39:21   Japan
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THE CUREを生で見るのが長年の夢です。叶え てください! 

selfish   2003/09/03 21:51:01   Japan
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僕の高校時代には必然の音楽でした。ぜひ 来てください。 

fer   2003/09/03 15:21:47   

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   Wish The Cure to come to Japan...
| Contacts | - Since 18th November 2002 |