Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
855 signatures had been collected at the last time

Thank you for your support!

phisha   2003/04/08 02:09:33   Czech Republic
arcana   2003/04/08 00:40:55   FRance
Come back in japan ROBERT!!!!!!!! je suis fran軋ise;je pourrais visiter se beau pays en m麥e temps, tout le monde a le droit d'avoir un bout de cure!!!!!!!!fait quelques dates labas Bob!!!!!!!!!!!!! adeline french fan the cure 

Coo   2003/04/07 16:47:41   Japan
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いつか生ロバが見れることを祈って待って ます。 

はうあ   2003/04/07 02:54:39   Japan
マルコ   2003/04/06 22:11:47   Japan
This message might be included Japanese character(s).
来日してくれるまで、いつまでも待ちつづけま す。 

めりさん   2003/04/06 17:54:15   Japan
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jwb   2003/04/06 17:46:36   Japan
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チバイッセイ   2003/04/06 06:27:18   Japan
boys dont cry. 

ひろゆき   2003/04/06 00:27:55   Japan
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ロバート・スミスの姿を生で観たいです。 声を生で聴きたいです。ぜひ来日してくだ さい。 

sulk   2003/04/05 20:49:57   Japan
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   Wish The Cure to come to Japan...
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