Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
855 signatures had been collected at the last time

Thank you for your support!

にし   2003/08/30 20:26:03   Japan
シアン   2003/08/30 07:13:03   Japan
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僕は22歳なので、キュアーを知って間もな いです。今、ものすごくニューウェイブが 大好きなので、ぜひ生で見てみたいで す!!! 

Lara   2003/08/29 12:35:34   Japan
it would be so cool to have the cure play here live! 

Jョ   2003/08/29 03:13:17   Japan
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ユウ   2003/08/28 23:37:59   Japan
めぐ   2003/08/27 19:08:24   Japan
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mayutan   2003/08/27 04:43:24   Japan
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まだライヴを体験した事がありません。 オランジュみたいなステキなライヴに行ってみたい! 是非日本に来て欲しい!  

irol   2003/08/26 06:27:27   United States
I have always loved the CURE ever since I was a little girl. I am now 20 years old and still in love with Robert Smith. I haven't been that fortunate of seeing him either. So I totally understand. I am so into the CURE that i have a tatoo of the bands name off WISH (album). So hopefully this will be of some help. If you get to read this ROBERT SMITH I will always be a great and loyal fan. BLESSED BE!!!!!!!! 

いまい   2003/08/25 19:22:07   Japan
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福耳の子供   2003/08/24 21:33:47   Japan
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   Wish The Cure to come to Japan...
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