Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
855 signatures had been collected at the last time

Thank you for your support!

Naroa   2003/03/30 16:52:23   Japan
This message might be included Japanese character(s).

はるこ   2003/03/30 12:29:43   Japan
Prayers for raaaaaaaaaaaaain 

久里子   2003/03/30 10:22:00   Japan
This message might be included Japanese character(s).
もう千葉テレビのイスの事は忘れて来て欲 しいなぁ。。日本にはMEGMILKというおいし い牛乳もあるし。そして客席から懐中電灯 でモールス信号を送るっての一回やってみ たいなぁ。 

BOBBIE   2003/03/30 02:50:18   Japan

Plum   2003/03/30 01:40:52   Japan
This message might be included Japanese character(s).
前回の来日公演で見たけど、その後もずーっと 待ってます。絶対来日公演実現して〜!!! 

ariel1_be   2003/03/29 18:58:32   Belgium
park   2003/03/29 18:00:37   
This means a new live album will come to us!thanks! 

Nana   2003/03/29 13:39:34   Japan
This message might be included Japanese character(s).

Jar   2003/03/29 02:05:03   Ireland
....please give these fans the chance to enjoy the sheer joy that we have of see you guys rock it out,also come to Ireland please(yes it's cheeky of me i know!)thanks.cure love forever 

fef   2003/03/28 19:23:06   

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   Wish The Cure to come to Japan...
| Contacts | - Since 18th November 2002 |