Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
Petition for The Cure Live in Japan
855 signatures had been collected at the last time

Thank you for your support!

殺芽   2003/03/07 22:40:03   Japan
hiroko.b   2003/03/07 22:01:52   Japan
まりこ   2003/03/07 21:14:16   Japan
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I always love you. 一度でいいから日本でみたいです。  

madsister   2003/03/07 21:11:28   Japan
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ロバートスミス様、どうか飛行機に乗って下 さい。 

MC64   2003/03/07 19:36:08   France
Yes, What about a little show in Japan. It's looks like a very nice country (and i found nice to go to a cure gig in Japan).... 

しん   2003/03/07 17:32:21   Japan
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Please come to Japan. 日本に来てください。 

KOKI   2003/03/07 16:13:28   Japan
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The Cureが実際に演奏して、ロバスミが 「Boys Don't Cry」を歌うとこなんて見たら 自分は泣きます。 というわけで、日本来てね♪ 

nami-u   2003/03/07 12:21:48   Japan
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The Cureのliveを日本で観るまでは 死ねません。早く来て〜〜!! 

Lily   2003/03/07 11:51:50   Japan
Justin Blakeney   2003/03/07 11:29:00   Australia

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   Wish The Cure to come to Japan...
| Contacts | - Since 18th November 2002 |